06 February 2006

warming up for the Knitting Olympics

So, I've nervously dedicated myself to knitting my first ever sweater as a Knitting
Olympics task. I learned to knit just over a year ago, and the sweater notion has been kicking around in my brain lately. Inspired by an intriguing sweater worn by one of my students last week, I ordered a basic sweater pattern, knit in the round from the neck down, and some inexpensive worsted weight yarn. I'll admit that the whole Knitting Olympics concept was completely unknown to me until yesterday, and I decided to see if I'm up to snuff in the sweater department.

The yarn arrived today. Not quite the shade I anticipated, but lovely nonetheless.

Upon closer inspection, I've discovered that the pattern calls for two sets of dpns that are, as yet, absent from my collection. This calls for a journey to the craft store on the way home from work tomorrow. I welcome any excuse to expand my needle repertoire.

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