28 May 2007

a hat for zoe

My cousin and his wife welcomed their second child on Friday night. I'm so happy with this tiny hat which will soon be flying off to Alaska. There's nothing like a satisfying project.

07 May 2007

sheep show 2007

We had a delightful time at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival last Saturday.

Naturally, we saw many sheep of many varieties.

I feel that I could be very content raising sheep...but since I realy have no room for sheep, I spent my money in other ways.

My first stop was Putnam Hill Nursery, where I chose some dye plants--woad, weld, and indigo--and a couple of nice flowering vines.

I also bought fiber in varying stages of readiness. I brought home my first fleece, courtesy of "Amadeus," a Jacob sheep.

I bought merino roving in a shade called "garnet" from Cloverleaf Farms...

...and a skein of "Duet," a kid mohair and wool blend from Brooks Farm Yarn.

Perhaps my most interesting--and not at all fiber-related--purchase was a bracelet made from a fork. I wish I had managed to obtain a business card from these folks. They had all manner of jewelry and other goodies crafted from silverware. Amazing!

Good thing tomorrow is my Fiber Guild meeting! I need a lesson on carding so I can get to work.