30 December 2008

a ride in the car

day 96 of 365...a ride in the car, originally uploaded by Dryss.

We went out for lunch and a bit of shopping with Mom Mom and Grandpop.

27 December 2008

ready for his first haircut

Daddy gave Brandon his first haircut today.

15 December 2008


day 81 of 365...ornament, originally uploaded by Dryss.

Today was way too warm for the week before Christmas. We were outside checking out Grandpop's ornaments without any coats.

12 December 2008

peeking in

day 78 of 365...peeking in , originally uploaded by Dryss.

How cute is our little man? He's becoming more and more involved in playing independently, and he loves getting toys out of his toy boxes and then putting them back in.

11 December 2008

tool man

day 77 of 365...tool man, originally uploaded by Dryss.

Just like Daddy.