30 March 2009

picking daffodils

day 184 of 365...picking daffodils, originally uploaded by Dryss.

Our after dinner stroll through the yard to gather a bouquet for the kitchen windowsill.

16 March 2009

making music

day 170 of 365...making music, originally uploaded by Dryss.

The chap plays the piano.

12 March 2009

diaper man

day 167 of 365...diaper man, originally uploaded by Dryss.

Playing in his undies just before bedtime. A bit low in the back due to nighttime double up.

08 March 2009

a nice warm day

day 163 of 365...a nice warm day, originally uploaded by Dryss.

Warm enough to be outside in short sleeves.

07 March 2009

first birthday party

Today was the big party day.

04 March 2009

waiting for dr. parisa

Bran's one year checkup. Plus a good view of the new haircut.

02 March 2009

happy birthday, bran!

checking out the menu, originally uploaded by Dryss.

For Bran's first birthday, we went to dinner at Friendly's. He had the time of his life, especially when the waitresses sang and clapped for him.

01 March 2009


day 156 of 365...walking!, originally uploaded by Dryss.

He's walking everywhere today...the day before his first birthday!