28 May 2007
a hat for zoe
07 May 2007
sheep show 2007
Naturally, we saw many sheep of many varieties.
I feel that I could be very content raising sheep...but since I realy have no room for sheep, I spent my money in other ways.
My first stop was Putnam Hill Nursery, where I chose some dye plants--woad, weld, and indigo--and a couple of nice flowering vines.
I also bought fiber in varying stages of readiness. I brought home my first fleece, courtesy of "Amadeus," a Jacob sheep.
I bought merino roving in a shade called "garnet" from Cloverleaf Farms...
...and a skein of "Duet," a kid mohair and wool blend from Brooks Farm Yarn.
Perhaps my most interesting--and not at all fiber-related--purchase was a bracelet made from a fork. I wish I had managed to obtain a business card from these folks. They had all manner of jewelry and other goodies crafted from silverware. Amazing!
Good thing tomorrow is my Fiber Guild meeting! I need a lesson on carding so I can get to work.